11 June 2018Thank you to all participants at this year’s Danish "BROEN Touring 2018"!
Again 2018 almost 50 motorbike enthusiasts from the Danish district heating industry enjoyed a great day together, as BROEN hosted the annual MC Touring on the first Thursday in June - and as per tradition the weather was great and all participants enjoyed the Danish summer and the beautiful roads on the Danish countryside.
This year the tour went from Grønbech & Sønner in Vejle to BROEN A/S in Assens and then on to Assens Fjernvarme.
Around noon the motorcycles arrived at Skovvej 30, where Sales Director Jesper Boysen, Product Manager Per Holst Christensen and Production Manager Lars Andersen showed them the new automated production of the brand new district energy valve BROEN Ballomax® Full Flow DN10-50.
BROEN introduces a new full flow district energy valve in the proven BROEN Ballomax® range of valves for heating, cooling and industrial applications. With a new unique method of manufacturing the valve can be made in one piece .
This new patented valve features an energy optimized full flow construction in a compact valve design and a patented seat construction securing optimal tightness of the valve and operation of the ball – for the duration of the life time of the valve.
The valve is manufactured on a new fully automated facility in Denmark, where each and every valve is individually tested to secure the proven high quality of BROEN.
Arne Andersen, Area Manager BROEN: “Great to meet up again and see this event again successful this year with so many participants. We had a great day with great input and many shared experiences – both on bikes and district heating. We are already looking forward to 6th June 2019 – make a note in your calendar and come and ride with us.”
BROEN Touring is a tradition – and we already look forward to hosting the next event on the first Thursday in June 2019!