4th SINO Denmark Green Heating Forum
25 September 2017At the 4th SINO Denmark event on 18th September, Lars Hummelsmose, General Manager of DBDH, bid welcome to around 50 directors from the Chinese district heating sector: Beijing Heating, Changchun Heating, Xi’an Heating, China IPPR Int., Hefei Thermal Power, Dunan, Tianjin Energy. They met in Denmark with leading brands from the Danish district heating industry and exporters of Danish district heating technology: Grundfos, Danfoss, BROEN and Logstor.
The Chinese delegation also met with Danish energy authorities and district heating managers that provide consultancy and technology in district heating and energy supply in Denmark and abroad and visited some of the Danish companies. BROEN hosted a visit by the Chinese delegation.
The outcome of the event was the signing of a continued cooperation agreement on knowledge sharing and delivery of Danish technology to Chinese district heating projects. The agreement was signed by the Chairman of the Danish Board of District Heating (DBDH), Jan Strømvig and by Li Dawei, President of both the China District Heating Organization (CDHA) and the world’s largest district heating company, Beijing District Heating Group.
Mogens Laursen, COO from BROEN A/S, added: "We appreciate the opportunity to talk to the Chinese authorities and leading District Heating companies to learn about their situation and how BROEN can contribute to the further development of district heating in China. They are very eager to learn more about district heating and we have an excellent opportunity to showcase the new technology engineered out of the experiences from the Danish district heating heritage".
BROENs district heating business area is represented in China with warehouse facilities and a sales office in Beijing since 2001.